

Environmental Responsibility

At Jiangxia Mining Energy Development Co., Ltd, environmental stewardship is at the core of our operations. We recognize that the land, air, and water where we operate are invaluable resources, and their protection is more important than the mineral we extract. We are committed to minimizing our environmental footprint through rigorous planning and monitoring of all activities, from exploration to extraction and rehabilitation. We strive to ensure that our mining operations are not only efficient but also sustainable and respectful of the natural world. Our approach to mining includes comprehensive rehabilitation efforts to restore the natural environment after mining activities. This process involves reshaping landforms, re-establishing vegetation, and working to return ecosystems to their pre-mining conditions or as close to it as possible. We prioritize biodiversity, soil stability, and water quality in our rehabilitation plans to ensure the longterm sustainability of the areas we mine.

Key Initiatives:

• Land Rehabilitation: We focus on restoring the land to its natural state, carefully planning and executing land form restoration, replanting native vegetation, and rehabilitating habitats to support local wildlife. • Water Management: Our water management practices are designed to protect water resources, ensuring that local water bodies are safeguarded from contamination and that water usage is optimized and minimized. • Carbon Footprint Reduction: We are committed to reducing our carbon footprint through energy-efficient technologies, renewable energy sources, and sustainable practices across all our operations. • Waste Management: We adhere to best practices in waste management, aiming to minimize waste generation and ensure that any waste produced is handled in an environmentally responsible manner. The Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) for the Kampong Thom Gold Project was approved by the Ministry of Environment (MoE) in 2024. The ESIA was prepared by Cambodian consultancy firm, CG SUSTAINABLE CO., LTD which is consulting firm registered officially with EIA’s Department of Ministry of Environment (MoE) Cambodia that provides consultancy services about EIA, IESIA or IEIA, SIA, Social and Economic Evaluation, Resettlement and so on.